Canine Country Club, Inc.

~Boarding     ~Grooming       ~Grooming School     ~Master Level Training 

306 Cox Avenue     Hattiesburg Mississippi     601.268.1999


Services Offered & Prices

**All prices subject to change and may vary.  Call for current prices.

Boarding Rates


*Reminder:  All boarding rates are from the time you drop off until noon the following day.*

Dogs:    $15+/day (small dogs-up to 15 lbs.)

                  $17+/day (med dogs-16 to 35 lbs.)

              $19+/day (large dogs-36 to 85 lbs. or indoor/outdoor run)

              $21+/day (extra large dogs-86+ lbs)

*Pit-bulls, pit-mixes, chows and breeds known to be aggressive with other animals or people are a liability on our insurance coverage. There is an additional minimum $2/day surcharge for boarding.

*Un-neutered males or un-spayed females will include an additional minimum $2/day surcharge.

*Boarding charges do not include food. Feed charges of $3.00 or more per day may apply if owner does not bring their pets own food. Prices updated 04/2024. Prices subject to change at any time. Minimum prices displayed, could be higher based on individualized boarding needs.


Grooming Rates

**All prices subject to change and may vary. Call for current prices.


Cats:     $35 and up     (depends on size of cat, length of hair)

Dogs:    $30 and up     (small dogs-up to 15 lbs.)

              $35-40 and up     (med dogs- 16 to 40 lbs.)

              $45+     (large dogs- over 40 lbs.)             

*Grooming rates may vary due to amount of coat, length of coat, condition of coat (i.e. matted, dirty, etc.).


Grooming Discounts for Regular Customers


**Regular customers receive a grooming discount as long as you keep your monthly grooming appointments!  This allows us to have a variety of dogs for our grooming students to see and learn about.


**All prices for all services listed above subject to change, based on pet, fuel prices, etc.  Call for prices.  




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